Category: art


Tradescantia. These little plants have an unstoppable will to live. I discovered that a few years ago when a sprig that broke off a hanging basket fell onto some indifferent dirt and, four days later, had rooted where it fell instead of shriveling up. This life force is an inspiration at the current moment. Tradescantia

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The Things You Do for Your Boss

I asked the artist to draw me a cartoon of Dumbledore telling Snape to kill him.  This is what they came up with, and I’ve been laughing ever since.  Perfection.

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The Welcome Blanket Project

Welcome to the U.S.  Truly, welcome. It’s part of American culture to value homemade gifts the most.  We treasure knowing that the giver thought of the recipient and made something special for them.  I know this is not the finest hour for Americans, but I hope we can remember that we have dear, good qualities

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Snape trivia! Go, Team Snape!

On July 30, the night before the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Big Blue Marble Bookstore will host a release party for Snape:  A Definitive Reading.  Events will include three rounds of Snape trivia, HP-themed prizes, a Snape cake, and an animated discussion about Snape, Slytherin, and Gryffindor. Snape trivia teams can choose

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Rogue’s Gallery: The Many Faces of Snape

Art by Fox Estacado In the French translations of Harry Potter, the character we know as Professor Snape is named “Rogue,” emphasizing his unpredictable, untrustworthy nature.  The Snape of our imaginations wears many faces:   the gnarled grimace that J.K. Rowling sketched; the bearded, pointy-featured Mary GrandPré wizard from the U.S. editions; the mournful Potter Puppet Pal Snape;

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Five pots of tradescantia in felted cozies in rainbow, trans pride, and bi pride colors.

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