Category: trans rights


Tradescantia. These little plants have an unstoppable will to live. I discovered that a few years ago when a sprig that broke off a hanging basket fell onto some indifferent dirt and, four days later, had rooted where it fell instead of shriveling up. This life force is an inspiration at the current moment. Tradescantia

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The Changing Politics of Reading Harry Potter in the Post-Trump U.S.

Delivered October 16, 2020 at the Harry Potter Conference of Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia, PA. ⁠The way we read Harry Potter in the U.S. changed with the 2016 election.  For almost 20 years, many of us were able to fall in love with this series as comfort reading.  Monstrous tyrants who rounded up ethnic

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Five pots of tradescantia in felted cozies in rainbow, trans pride, and bi pride colors.

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