Lorrie Kim



The Button Box quilt

It took me almost six months, but I finally completed the few last steps on the Button Box quilt I started in March as a fanwork for Linda Sue Park’s Prairie Lotus (read my review here).

By March 12, I had finished piecing the top.  All I needed to do was put on a border, sandwich the quilt with a backing, quilt it, and put on a binding.  I had planned it as a lap quilt.  I said I would post a picture of the quilt here when it was finished.

On March 13, coronavirus lockdown started.  Abruptly, all works in progress halted.  When I got my wits together enough to start sewing again, it was to make masks.  For a while, in April, I was using my quilt fabric stash to make 30 masks or more per day.  By June, I had made about 2000 of them.

It’s the first week of virtual school and a modified version of life seems to have resumed.  We’ve set up a dedicated study space for the teen, the tween, and a couple of their friends.  The teen said the walls looked bare and liked the idea of warming them up with a quilt or two.  So the Button Box quilt has become a wall quilt, not a lap quilt.  Now the kids have somewhere to rest their eyes when they’re tired of squinting at their onscreen classes.  Maybe, almost six months after lockdown started, I’ve started to adjust.

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