Category: Fiber art


Tradescantia. These little plants have an unstoppable will to live. I discovered that a few years ago when a sprig that broke off a hanging basket fell onto some indifferent dirt and, four days later, had rooted where it fell instead of shriveling up. This life force is an inspiration at the current moment. Tradescantia

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Material Culture: Quilts in the Little House series

For an assignment in a class called “Colonizing Girlhoods: L.M. Montgomery and Laura Ingalls Wilder,” the professor took us to the Special Collections department of the college library to look at books and artifacts associated with the Little House and Anne of Green Gables series, such as spinoffs, older editions, paper dolls, alphabet books, guidebooks

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The Button Box quilt

It took me almost six months, but I finally completed the few last steps on the Button Box quilt I started in March as a fanwork for Linda Sue Park’s Prairie Lotus (read my review here). By March 12, I had finished piecing the top.  All I needed to do was put on a border, sandwich

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Plague, But Make It Fashion

Once in a while, you’re unmistakably called. I started making quilts in 1990. I even did it full-time for a while. I stopped in 2004, when my first kid was born and it felt too dangerous to quilt around little ones. It sounds funny to think of quilting as dangerous, but between the hot iron,

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Roots and Mirrors: Prairie Lotus by Linda Sue Park

Prairie Lotus by Linda Sue Park.  Published March 3, 2020. Linda Sue Park must have read and loved Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House books as much as I did as a kid. Reading about Hanna in Prairie Lotus hits some deep emotional beats I remember living through with Laura:  School trouble.  Recitations.  Hoop skirts going through doorways.  Oranges.

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The Welcome Blanket Project

Welcome to the U.S.  Truly, welcome. It’s part of American culture to value homemade gifts the most.  We treasure knowing that the giver thought of the recipient and made something special for them.  I know this is not the finest hour for Americans, but I hope we can remember that we have dear, good qualities

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Five pots of tradescantia in felted cozies in rainbow, trans pride, and bi pride colors.

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